Transfer electronic documents directly to SAP

Fortunately, they do exist, the suppliers who already provide you with electronic documents, like a PDF invoice. Our software understands a variety of formats, such as PDF (embedded TIFF, searchable), PDF-A (embedded / searchable), TIFF, via EDI as IDOC or XML. With our software for SAP we process these documents and formats for you just like paper documents.

We align the inbox & document processor to your inbound channels according to your wishes and initiate the automatic processing of different formats (sent via post, e-mail, fax, EDI).

Based on the content of the electronic documents, values are recognized (OCR recognition), extracted and, depending on the context, either postings, archiving or workflow processes are triggered in your system. The integrated cockpit functionality of our software gives you a complete overview of these processes.

  Services + solutions - Automated AP collection and processing

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