SAP-archiving: Store documents and data in an audit-proof data protection-compliant manner in the SAP archive.

Thanks to our SAP add-on software for archiving, documents or invoice documents can be assigned to the business objects (manually, semi-automatically, fully automatically).

Our archive solutions fully support the ArchiveLink as well as the SAP ILM and KPRO (DVS, RM) modules.

Examples of use for our SAP-archiving:

  • Automatic archiving of incoming invoices via ArchiveLink connection (barcode archiving)
  • Automatic archiving of delivery notes via ArchiveLink connection (barcode archiving)
  • Scanning and archiving documents directly to business objects
  • Automatic invoice processing with OCR, invoice workflow & archiving via ArchiveLink

The SAP archive system also offers standardized communication and transfer protocols, e.g. to bring images of an invoice onto the user's screen.

Our approach to SAP data archiving is based upon this.

We use the SAP archive system as a complete administrative level (basic definitions of document types, user access, authorizations, object dependencies, search options, etc.).

This is why our certified software for SAP archiving is extremely “slim” and lean. With only a little implementation and adjustment effort, you become the owner of a complete system for SAP data archiving and storage.

All SAP archiving and storage scenarios are supported:

  • SAP archiving of data (via Standard ADK).
  • Filing of (changeable) MS Office documents to business objects.
  • SAP archiving of images (TIFF, PDF, PDF-A etc.) to the business objects.
  • Early archiving, late archiving, OAWD, with or without workflow, etc.
  • SAP archiving of outgoing receipts, etc.

Additionally you have the option of encrypting the documents and files using our archiving software! This means that even the administrators of the infrastructure components cannot view or change these documents. The authorization-secured search for documents is carried out via SAP - they are made available in the respective format viewers via HTTP (S).

Furthermore we offer a dynamic solution for SAP archiving, which has been specially developed for cloud environments.


Long-term archiving of data & documents in SAP

In connection with long-term archiving, this sensitive data can be physically stored on your existing media.


Archive in cloud environment

You want to archive SAP data and documents in a cloud environment?