Electronic file in SAP: eFile
Are you familiar with this situation? You are negotiating with one of your most important suppliers tomorrow. In preparation, you want to look through all contracts, orders from the last 12 months, deliveries, complaints, price lists, etc.
The search now starts in several departments. All documents, from contract to price list, from complaints sent to the supplier to all supplier's invoices in different months are available - unfortunately in paper form and in various paper folders, but never under the keyword “Supplier - all documents.”
It becomes a tedious and annoying puzzle to put together at least the essential paper documents. It succeeds thanks to the efforts of some employees, but your decision has been made: After the supplier appointment, the conversion to digital files takes place, in which all documents belonging to the supplier, e.g. contracts, deliveries, invoices, can be found with one click.
Solution found - welcome to our eFile!
You define the perspective that is relevant for you. You define the file structure - we implement it.
For us, however, the supplier file is only the most prominent example. We can also help with the contract file, real estate file, personnel file or patient file.
The personnel file in particular is becoming more and more important in many companies, given the background of legal regulations (retention obligations, deletion obligations). Many HR departments are looking for a solution to store all of an employee's documents in a digital file. This ranges from typical master data through the employment contract and target agreements to employee appraisals and sick leave.
These files may of course only be viewed by expressly authorized persons, so a clearly defined authorization process is required as to who is allowed to view which documents. And of course these documents must be kept in a secure IT environment.
Contact us. Which e-files can we implement together with you?